Putt to Perfection

We’ve all heard the saying “Drive for Show ….. Putt for Dough”. The reality is if you can improve your putting stats, you will inevitably improve your score and chances of winning.
Do you keep stats on the number of putts taken in a round? Average putts per hole? You might be surprised with the findings.
Download our Putts for Dough sheet and capture the data over your new few rounds of golf.
I recently attended Formby Hall’s putting academy and was blown away by all the technology used to assess set-up and putting technique. Rory McIlroy is currently a student following in the footsteps of other famous tour players to attend. After my session I started to review mental techniques that could be used to help improve performance, here are 3 drills guaranteed to deliver results.
Putt Around The Clock – a favourite drill used by Phil Mickelson.
Good for building confidence on short putts and putting under
1. Place 12 balls, 2ft in a circle like a clock face around the hole
2. Start at 1 o’clock and putt each ball going round clockwise. If
you miss start back at 1.
3. Your target is to sink all 12 balls, then 24 and 36. The pressure
will begin to kick in on the last balls, great exercise to practice
and emulate competition.
In the Box – this drill is used for lag putting
1. Take 4 long tee pegs and create a box around the hole 4ft square
2. Place 3 balls 5, 10, 15 and 20 feet away from the hole
3. Putt 3 balls from each spot into the box, if they don’t land in the box start from the beginning
For Your Eyes Only – This drill improves your touch of the ball
1. Take 4 balls and drop 10-15 foot from the hole (to give you differing lengths)
2. Follow your putting pre-shot routine of reading the line, assessing the breaks/falls, visualising the line and practicing your stroke.
3. Address the ball and close your eyes whilst you take your putt. Repeat, the idea is to sink all putts
Keep us posted on your performance using these drills we would love to hear from you...